Policy Digest

Takeaways Annual Meeting of the MPPN in Tashkent

The Annual Meeting of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN) held in Tashkent from August 27-29, 2024, highlighted critical developments in understanding and tackling global poverty. One of the primary focuses of the conference was the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), an innovative tool that expands the measurement of poverty beyond traditional income metrics to include multiple deprivations that individuals face across various dimensions such as education, health, and living standards.

The MPI is proving to be a vital instrument for policymakers, offering a comprehensive view of poverty that allows for more targeted interventions, effective resource allocation, and enhanced tracking of progress in poverty reduction efforts. It facilitates comparisons of poverty across regions and dimensions, thereby supporting governance and aiding the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals through improved social programs.

The latest findings presented at the meeting, drawn from the MPI 2023, indicated that over 1.2 billion people worldwide live in multidimensional poverty, contending with severe deprivations in health, education, and essential living standards. South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are particularly affected, with widespread deprivations in education and living standards noted, including critical shortages in access to clean water, electricity, and adequate housing.

In Uzbekistan, the adoption of the MPI has started to provide insights into the local dimensions of poverty. The pilot MPI for Uzbekistan considers various facets, including basic infrastructure and living standards, health and social capital, financial inclusion, and employment. This nuanced approach has revealed that 1.7% of Uzbekistan’s population is multidimensionally poor, with a deprivation intensity of 35.3%. Uzbekistan’s MPI value stands at 0.006, which is higher than Kyrgyzstan's but lower than Tajikistan’s, underscoring the need for precisely focused poverty reduction strategies in the region.

The conference thus emphasized the MPI's role in reshaping how poverty is understood and addressed globally, showcasing its effectiveness in providing actionable data that can lead to substantive changes in poverty alleviation policies.

Shifting Global Economy in the wake of U.S-China technology war

The New York Times recently published an insightful article examining the dynamic shifts within the global economy amidst escalating U.S.-China tensions. A significant focus of the article is the growing trend of decoupling between the two economic powerhouses, a move away from the deep interdependence that has characterized their relationship for decades. This decoupling is reshaping global trade and investment patterns in profound ways, signaling a departure from established economic interactions.

As the U.S. and China step back from their previously intertwined economic relationship, global supply chains are undergoing a significant transformation. Companies worldwide are reassessing their manufacturing and sourcing strategies to mitigate risks linked to the U.S.-China divide. This reconfiguration of supply chains is prompting businesses to diversify their operations and explore new markets, aiming to reduce dependency on any single country or region.

The ongoing tensions have introduced a high degree of uncertainty in global trade. Both countries have implemented tariffs, sanctions, and export controls, which disrupt traditional trade flows and pose fresh challenges for international businesses. These developments are forcing companies and countries alike to navigate a rapidly changing economic landscape.

Amidst these shifts, countries across the globe are reevaluating their economic alliances. Many nations find themselves in a delicate position, trying to maintain balanced economic relations with both the U.S. and China while steering clear of the repercussions from their confrontations. This balancing act is critical as states seek to protect their own economic interests without getting caught in the crossfire of geopolitical strife.

The long-term implications of U.S.-China decoupling are profound, suggesting a future where the global economy might become more fragmented. This potential fragmentation could lead to the formation of new economic blocs and alliances, reshaping international economic relations in significant ways. The evolving scenario poses a critical moment for global stability, as the world grapples with the ramifications of these two giants charting increasingly divergent paths. This shift towards a more compartmentalized world economy could redefine economic globalization as we know it, bringing about far-reaching consequences for global economic governance and development strategies.

Takeaways from sixth consultative meeting of Central Asian leaders

The sixth consultative meeting of Central Asian heads of state, hosted in Astana on August 9th, marked a pivotal moment in the region’s diplomatic endeavors, signaling a revived dedication to regionalism and cooperation. Initially, post-independence attempts to foster regional organizations aimed at economic integration met with limited success due to a myriad of political, economic, and cultural divergences. However, the shifting geopolitical landscape has recently rekindled a collective interest in enhancing connectivity and cooperation among the Central Asian states.

During this meeting, the leaders demonstrated a profound acknowledgment of past challenges, while setting a clear direction for the future through the endorsement of strategic documents. The "Central Asia – 2040" strategy and the action plans for 2025-2027 were significant highlights, focusing on key areas such as security, economic cooperation, and infrastructure enhancements. These documents are set to provide a roadmap that envisions a cohesive future, aiming to leverage collective strengths and mitigate shared vulnerabilities.

Moreover, the discussions at the meeting reflected a strong will to deepen regional integration, which was evidenced by the commitment to developing flexible legal frameworks that facilitate easier collaboration across borders. Despite the persistence of some reservations regarding the formation of supranational entities, notably from Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, there was a general consensus on the need for increased sectoral cooperation. This approach aims to foster a more integrated regional market, which could enhance competitiveness and economic resilience.

On economic and security fronts, the agreements reached during the meeting stressed the importance of a unified approach to security challenges and the promotion of joint economic initiatives. These initiatives are expected to counter external economic pressures through a unified regional strategy, reflecting a matured understanding of the interconnected nature of today's global challenges.

The implications of these renewed efforts are profound. With a concerted focus on bolstering regional stability and stimulating economic growth, the initiatives are poised to enhance intra-regional trade and economic ties. Remarkably, the trade turnover among Central Asian countries has been on a significant upward trajectory, having doubled from $5.7 billion to $11 billion within the last six years. This growth is a testament to the increasing economic interdependence and the potential for future collaborative gains.

In sum, the sixth consultative meeting not only reaffirmed the Central Asian countries' commitment to regionalism but also set forth actionable strategies that pave the way for a more interconnected and prosperous future. As these nations continue to navigate their path on the global stage, their collective efforts through such forums are crucial in shaping a stable and economically robust region.

Westminster International University in Tashkent, 12 Istiqbol street, Tashkent 100047

  • Email:cpro@wiut.uz
  • Phone:+998 71 238 74 48

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