Multi Sector Research Groups

The Center for Policy Research & Outreach (CPRO) is structured around Multisector Research Groups. Each Multisector Research Group (MRG) is led by a full-time Research Fellow producing research and engaging others around the theme.

Human Capital & Decent Work

WIUT researchers have been examining issues around agricultural labor, the national education system, skills and workplace productivity for years. The country’s national employment strategy highlights the importance of jobs and growing new and better work for its people.
Agriculture and Rural Development

With partners from IFPRI, ILO, and the ADB, WIUT has established itself as a leader in the area of agricultural economics and rural policy. This broad multi-sector area includes the unique challenges of areas in transition, from migration, to quality of services, to the ramifications for housing, health, and education in rural areas..
Silk Road Connectivity

With recent heavy investment in transportation, energy, and trade along this large corridor there remain many challenges and questions for researchers to explore from a multidisciplinary perspective. As relationships across Central Asia have warmed, there is continued interest in development of resources, such as water, across borders.

Futures & Foresights

CPRO Futures & Foresight publishes articles which focus on methods that aid anticipation of the future in various sectors. We use international experience and method that particularly analyze the future potential and prospects of the country’s growth and the Central Asian region as a whole.

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Westminster International University in Tashkent, 12 Istiqbol street, Tashkent 100047

  • Email:cpro@wiut.uz
  • Phone:+998 71 238 74 48